All Pieces In One Plug ‘N Play Enterprise System


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Startup Road Map

It can feel overwhelming to think about all the steps it will take to open a new school.  We are developing a tool to make the journey easier.  Like a tax preparation software package --- you respond to questions and are then guided to just the right information you need.



Integrated Operations

Many “edu-preneurs “who want to start a new school are quite familiar with curriculum, but have little or no experience operating a small business.   Our operating system integrates the student information system, accounting, HR, scheduling, fundraising, and other tools -- all at an affordable price.

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Adaptive Learning Platform

O3 School is building on the experience of Zaya Learning Labs, an adaptive learning platform used today by 100,000 students.  This powerful tool enables students to drive their own learning and frees up teachers’ time to focus on individual students’ needs.  The system uses knowledge maps (K-Maps) tied to measurable standards and objectives to determine when a student has mastered a learning section and is ready to proceed to the next level.  Teachers can add their own content and recommendations.



High Quality Digital Content

We envision teachers no longer needing the “Google Sunday scramble” to find high quality digital content to personalize instruction for each student.  Instead, we are planning to curate on the learning platform the highest quality digital content in cognitive skills, social emotional learning, entrepreneurial and career skills, creative arts, and civic participation. We will include in this kit multiple approaches for learning and instruction -- project-based learning modules, Socratic dialogue templates, and tools to organize internships.   


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Learning for Staff and Parents

We don’t  like to use the term professional development.  Too often it conjures up images of teachers sitting in boring workshops learning material that they often don’t even use. We prefer the term continuous learning, and we envision staff and parents accessing on our platform learning modules for development of instructional as well as parenting skills and knowledge.

Staff and parents can also upload into the system content they find on the internet tailored to individual needs and interests -- creating an individual library for continuous learning.

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Workflow Tools

In the business sector, professionals are expected to know how to use workflow and productivity tools such as Trello,  Slack and Quickbooks.   But these tools have not yet become mainstream in the education sector.  We plan to include these tools and training on how to use them, in our plug ‘n play system.

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Communication Tools

Perhaps the most challenging part of a school leaders’ job is creating a school culture and a cohesive school community. Having great tools for three-way communication between staff, students and parents will make this aspect of your job easier.  Student progress and accomplishments are made clearly visible on the learning platform for students, parents, and staff to see and discuss simultaneously.